
Welcome to the Bedfordshire School Sustainability Network (BSSN) website.

BSSN members recognise that we have a duty to prepare children and young people in Bedfordshire with the knowledge and skills to look after our planet, to make informed decisions about carbon usage and make a positive contribution by improving our local environment. Education plays a vital role in:

  • helping to tackle climate change
  • creating a better, greener world for future generations

We can positively impact, influence and inspire our communities by improving:

  • the sustainability of the environment in and around education settings
  • the knowledge and understanding of children and young people

BSSN is an inclusive network. We welcome the support and involvement of all educational settings in Bedfordshire as well as individuals and organisations with a common purpose who share our aims and values.   


Commit, Act, Advocate

BSSN aims to get all children and young people involved, spreading awareness and sparking conversation, especially those who are not currently actively involved in climate issues.

BSSN members will –


  1. To raising awareness of environmental responsibilities and improvements.
  2. Time and resources to furtherance of BSSN aims and objectives.
  3. To transparency, openly sharing what works and what doesn’t.
  4. To working towards their organisation being as green as possible.
  5. To share positive environmental habits and behaviours amongst BSSN members and our local communities.
  6. Ensure BSSN works to be a fully inclusive network that represents our locality and stakeholders.


  1. Contribute content to BSSN and proactively share ideas.
  2. Encourage other Bedfordshire schools and organisations that support and work with our schools to join BSSN.
  3. Work with BSSN members and partners to realise collaborative environmental projects or initiatives.
  4. Plan campaigns together to promote sustainability in our schools.


  1. Integration of the principles of environmental sustainability within all teaching & learning and within organisation policies and practices, including those relating to procurement of goods and services.
  2. Measures to encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport.
  3. Reduction of waste; reuse and recycle before responsible disposal of surplus materials. Use recycled and recyclable materials wherever possible.
  4. Measures to reduce electricity, gas and water consumption.
  5. Avoidance of the use of environmentally-damaging substances, materials and processes wherever practical.
  6. Protection, development and enhancement of natural habitats and encourage local wildlife and biological diversity.

We actively encourage all schools within the BSSN network to join the UK Schools Sustainability Network (UKSSN):


Get In Touch

Get In Touch

You can contact Bedfordshire Schools Sustainability Network (BSSN) via email or Twitter. 

Email Paul Edmond: pedmond@heartacademiestrust.co.uk 

Twitter: @BedsSSN

Schools can also join the UK Schools Sustainability Network (UKSSN):

Email getintouch@ukssn.org.uk

Twitter: @UKSchoolsSusty



The UK Schools Sustainability Network (‘UKSSN’) and its affiliated regional networks bring together children and young people to connect and collaborate on issues related to climate and sustainability, fully supported by school staff. The networks are primarily designed to bring together school children, but each regional network also acts as a support network for educators and local organisations of various disciplines and roles to share resources and ideas.

UKSSN regional networks are run at grassroots level - often centred around a hub school - and the whole network is now hosted by Global Action Plan through its Transform Our World programme. 

The Bedfordshire Schools Sustainability Network (BSSN) was launched in Autumn 2022 to support collaboration across Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. The BSSN network includes representatives from primary and secondary schools, sixth form, our local authorities and local charities and environmental organisations.   

A UKSSN staff networking group (with offshoots by subject, for primary, secondary and operations staff) interacts online and occasionally in person.



Complete our online application form:

To begin your application please search for your school / education establishment.

You can enter your school name, postcode, telephone number or name.

NB: If you are linked to several schools (for example you work for a multi-academy trust) then just select one here, you will have the opportunity to link to additional schools later.

Do not worry if the results bring up an older version of your school (for example pre-academy conversion) - select the closest match and this will be automatically updated as our records are refreshed.

School Search:

If you are not representing a School or MAT (e.g. a Charity, Local Authority or Partner Organisation) then Click Here to continue without searching for a school.




The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire (22nd March 2023)

Wildlife Trust needs our help. Below is a link to a new questionnaire researching school interest in outdoor education and the resources or support they need to improve this type of education for their students. The survey takes 15 minutes to complete; the more responses we receive the better informed we will be and better equipped to support schools in our area - 

Delivering the curriculum, cultural capital and wellbeing through nature based learning. (office.com)

As an incentive to complete the survey we have also created a competition to win 6 forest school sessions from our trained staff - 

Forest School Competition | Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants (wildlifebcn.org)

For more information about the work the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire does for our schools follow the link below:

School programmes in Bedfordshire | Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants (wildlifebcn.org)


Our Partners